Friday, September 16, 2011

Round 2...

 I went back to Harris Teeter for round two today.  Here is what I got:

My total was $88.99 but I saved $74.99 and only paid

 $14.00! For ALL that stuff!

I've decided couponing is sort of like a giant scavenger hunt, trying to find all the specific items the coupon asks for and hunt up and down the aisles.  It is a fun game to me and now I find I'm timing myself to see how fast I can get in and out with the specific items on my list...a true scavenger hunt! 

I am trying to get Aus to come along and play, he takes 10 items, I'll take the other 10, and see who can find them all the fastest. He isn't having it.  Actually, he doesn't even like telling people I am using coupons and refuses to go to the grocery store with me and my coupon book. Ha. He will come around. :)

Coupon Craze

 So, it's time. It's time I tell you. I've jumped on the bandwagon and joined the extreme couponing craze.  I started clipping the coupons in the Sunday paper about 6weeks ago and now have a nice little collection. I've done okay so far- saving  about $30 with each grocery store trip.  Typically, I spend anywhere from $100-$120 a week on groceries, adding up to $450-$500 a month. I saved about $100 last month. I've talked to several of my coworkers about their grocery bills/couponing etc. and they totally got my hooked.  One girl told me she feeds her family of SIX (four school aged kids) for $150 a month. SO nuts.  I know I'll never be that good, but any savings is better than none at all. Yesterday started the infamous triple coupon week at Harris Teeter- it lasts from Wednesday (9/14) to Tuesday (9/20) at midnight.

WELP, here was my first triple coupon experience:

The total was $118.77 but I saved $89.73 and only paid $29.04!

My total really would of been about $20 if it wasn't for Aus making me pick up a rotisserie chicken + deli made potatoes for dinner.  Those aren't even in the picture, so really, I got everything in this picture for around $20! Not too shabby, eh?

The rules at Teeter- they will triple any coupon under $.99.  You can use 20 coupons, per day, per house hold (tied to your VIC card). So, many people go everyday during this week and use their allotted 20 coupons each trip.  I definitely had more to use so I'll be going back another day, if not two, while the sale is still going on.

These are my two favorite blogs that give me all the info I need- Southern Savers and My Coupon Teacher.

I really only read about Harris Teeter and the sales they have with the coupon match ups.  I'm not investing a ton of time into this so I'll never be driving around to numerous grocery stores to save- watch me eat those words! I am definitely the girl in the grocery store with the coupon binder that I use to make fun of. (I only have a small little accordion pocket thing.) I think I like it so much because it's like a huge game- 'how much can I save this trip' and y'all know how much I like my games! :)

How do you coupon? How much do you save? What are your favorite coupon blogs?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Catch Up...

I've been a bad blogger lately--terribly bad!  Y'all know how busy we are with weddings and various photo shoots these days so you'll have to bare with me until, eh, November!?! AH! We are slam packed busy until we leave for our Barbados trip October 26th...which is in 6 WEEKS...the count down is on!

This last week-end we had a nice break from weddings and my bestest friend Frannie came up Friday night for a nice slumber. We actually worked on her up-and-coming blog and I'll  be sharing that with you real real soon...stay tuned. :)  Frannie brought her dog, Lady- she came up so Molly had a little friend to play with too.  They enjoyed each other a lot...hopefully soon Molly will be where Lady is on the chillness scale. One day, hopefully...

Abi was here with us too and the two of us spent the day Sunday (Aus had to work) eating lunch, shopping at Toys R Us and doing fun girly things when we got home. :) She is such a sweetie and I am so proud of her...she is growing up so fast! She now has an e-mail and that is just WHOA to me. Sunday night Aus and I went to see The Help since I just finished the book. It was so so good.  I'm not sure if I'm extra hormonal right now or what but it was super emotional to me.  Definitely a tear jerker, definitely a must see...Austin liked it a lot too.

Our sister-in-law Alissa will be delivering our new little niece so so so soon! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I think about you every day, Liss and I can't wait to meet baby Caroline! Rest assured I will have lots of pictures and blogging as soon as she gets here! :)

My dad will be visiting us real soon...he is coming the last week of September and staying about 6 days.  I am really missing him so this is a much needed visit! I can hardly wait until next summer when he is here in Raleigh with us permanently.  Actually, I can't wait for BOTH my parents to be in Raleigh (or somewhere close by) permanently.  I haven't lived in the same city, or even within a few hours of my parents for a looong time. I am totally looking forward to this.  I tell Austin all the time the best years of our lives are about to come. :)