Counting down the weeks until his first birthday…this is not ok.
Height and Weight: According to our scale he is about 22 lbs. We go to the doctor in a few weeks for his 12 month appointment (!!!) and I will get exact measurements.
Health: Health is great and the teeth are poppin! He has 3 coming in at the same time and I think we will have a grand total of 4 teeth on his first birthday. The same thing happened the last time his tooth broke through - tons of congestion and drool, and a low grade temp. Poor baby!
The true image of sprouting teeth.
Sleep: Sleep is great! My baby finally sleeps through the night! Every night! James even spent a week at the lake with his NiNi and Big Daddy when we went to Santa Barbara and he slept great there too. He typically sleeps 7pm-7:30am and takes two naps day - 10:30 and 2:30 usually an hour and a half each.
Social: He is so much fun these dates. It really does just keep getting better. He is so smart! He loves to play chase and hide and seek. He craws under his crib, desk, bed and just waits to be found. So flipping cute. He talks to Molly and Baxter and has full blown conversations with him. He is such a smiley and happy little guy!
Diet: Still eating 3 meals a day and nursing around 4 times - when we are together. When we aren't together he still gets a bottle or two but he mostly drinks pumped milk out of a sippy cup. I think he could be completely done with bottles and never look back. I'm planning to lose the bottles around 1 and nurse occasionally and give him all his milk in sippy cups. I am ready to wean him but it is so so bittersweet. I still plan to nurse him in the mornings and at bedtime for as long as my supply will last. They are my favorite moments of the day. He also loves green smoothies and usually drinks 1-2 a day. Favorite foods - blueberries, blackberries, bananas, sweet potatoes, peas with butter, pimento cheese, any cheese actually, cous-cous, and waffles! Yum!
Dislikes: Just about the same things that make him cry - diaper changes, getting dressed, getting out of the bath, car rides for too long, being left alone and when he is told "no!"
Milestones: We officially have a walker! He took his first steps right after he was 10 months and now he walks quite a bit. He will walk from one room into the other. He does still crawl when he wants to get somewhere super fast but I have a feeling those days are ending soon. He loves to wave bye bye, give hugs, sometimes give kisses, give a high-five, play tug of war with molly and her bone, saying "night night dada", putting his toys in his toy box and the bath toys in his boat, and 3 new teeth coming in!