Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's a....

 So we went for our "anatomy scan" today and everything checked out great! It was such an amazing feeling seeing that little baby on the screen! All the organs checked out ok and the heart rate was 155, we even saw all 4 chambers of it's heart. She told us baby weighed 7 ounces already and measured right on time for my due date. We counted all 10 fingers and toes, too! But we did turn our heads when she looked down to see the sex of the baby. We wanted to find out alone in our house and I am so glad we did. Such an awesome moment!!! 

And here it is in pictures...I was a little excited, can you tell?

I told you about my emotions these days...haha the waterworks were in full force! 

We could  not be more excited! Austin claims "he knew" the whole time. :)

So, you know how I told you we had a plan to announce this to everyone? Well, the plan was to go get a bunch of balloons and take a picture with them. We didn't really love how they turned out though, so we actually used some pictures from above. Here are a few cute ones with the balloons though. It was a fun afternoon!

Yay Baby boy Green!! Now you need a name! 


  1. Love this! And think about what a great moment you captured to share with baby boy when he is older! He will love seeing how excited his mama was to find out!!
