How far along: 31 weeks!
Size of baby: A pineapple! He is getting close to his birth length now but he will still double or triple in weight. My doctor says he is probably 3-4 pounds now but we will find out his "exact" weight on the ultrasound next Tuesday!
Total weight gain/loss: Don't know exactly...close to 30 pounds and kind of over it. It is what it is at this point.
Maternity clothes: Yessss and no. Most of my lounge type hang around the house clothes are non-maternity.
Gender: Sweet baby boy! James Austin Green!
Movement: Still lots of that going on. Austin felt his little arms and legs this week and thought it was SO cool. Super fun tracing out his little body!
Sleep: Sleep is ok I could definitely be worse. My arm has been ok for the most part and I don't really get up to pee, just toss and turn a lot and struggle to get comfortable sometimes.
What I miss: My normal body size. I'm just large. And in charge.
Cravings: Still loving milk. I love lots of yogurt and fruit and pass on most meats.
Best moment this past week: Got our stroller today! We got a Bob and I think I'm really going to love it. So excited to roll little James around in that!
Symptoms: The carpel tunnel is by far my worst preggo symptom. It is so annoying and painful and I can't wait for it to be over. I'm thankful to not have heart burn or sciatica pain or any of those awful symptoms.
What I'm looking forward to:We have our hospital tour on Thursday and I'm pretty excited about that. I know it's going to feel so real being in those L&D rooms!
Milestones: All 5 senses are working now!
Mood: happy and crying at the drop of a hat. Mostly happy tears thank goodness!
Labor Signs: no but I am having Braxton Hicks contractions. Only 5 more weeks until he is considered full term!
Wedding rings on or off: on
The nursery is almost finished! Still waiting on the gilder to go in that left corner and we will be all set. Now we need a baby!!
Looking good, Mama! <3 you!!